“Education is a passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today” The blog dedicated to Science and English Literature Lovers
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Saturday, November 3, 2018
Thursday, October 11, 2018
The lover for shamefastness poem by Thomus Wyatt
A “The lover for
“The long love that in my thaught I
The lover for shame
fastness is romantic passionate praiseworthy and thought provoking poem by
Thomas wyatt. He is famous for giving a Sonnet it's pure English form. He translate
the Italian patriarch Sonnets into English. He took the idea from The Patriarch
Sonnet , but the stylization of the subject is wyatt's own.
This poem is about the highly emotional and sentimental passion "love"
. The same idea is discussed by surrey in his beautiful poem "complaint
of a lover rebuked". the poet
seems to have gone Far Away on the road of love but his beloved behaviour make
his condition miaserable.
long love that in my thought I harbour........ Displaying his banner"
In the very start of the poem the
poet accept that love take control over his heart and mind. Love is personified
as the lovers master. It appears boldly on his face and shows his occupation by
waving a flag on it. The poet is unable to control the overwhelming nature of
love which occupies the territory of his heart and mind.
that me learneth to love and to suffer”
Here the poet says that, that is his Beloved who taught
him to love and suffer .she is now not happy with him. She seems to be selfish
and left him in the time of crisis. She wants from him to control his Passion
Of Love, she has rejected his expression of love. So the love has retreated and
hidden deep itself into core of his heart and would not come out at any call.
"What may I do, when my master
Now the poet feel himself fix in this situation. He find
it hard to decide what to do next? what course of step should be taken in the
future? He find his master is fearing i-e love.Because he is rejected by his
beloved. But the lover decides that he would stay with his master in his entire
life because he thinks that “the real thing is not service but to being
ready for service at any time”. The lover vows to remain faithful to his
master. He determined to live a life of faithfulness and such a life is worth
living in the world.
The poet concept of love in this poem is Masculine. He
further increases the emotional intensity of the poem with vivid metaphor and
complex rhymes. Instead of familiar diction of love poet uses the language of
Business and politics.
The word “forest” implies darkness and unseen
dangers suggesting
" A psychological landscape bristling
with feelings and dark enough to hide in" the diction and the imagery shows
the harshness of tone.
To conclude it can be said that the theme of
the poem is love poet uses the language of business and politics. As compared
to surray poetry wyatt's poetry lacks artistic softness Rhythm and musicality.
The language shows that the poet is simple person and does not know how to
overcoat his feelings like usually lovers do.
“If a man is not faithful to his own individuality, he
cannot be loyal to anything.”
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Let,s dive deep into Adrinne Rich,s Poem “ The Diving into the wreck"
“Diving into the wreck”
The “diving into the wreck” is a Rich’s most celebrated poem, a complete metaphorical poem, unanimously (agreed) more epic (impressively great) of our modern times. In this poem the poet gives the description of the sea, her dive into the sea and various things she observed and her experiences underwent are very beautifully narrated and described. It is also an adventures story because of poet dive into the sea for the quest. But it must say that it is not a simple adventures story. When we give a deep look on this poem it contains very serious issue of feminist freedom her identity and the traditional society chains that have tied the women. The poet is fed up from the society so-called traditions and history, including her relationship with men and especially her own self-deception about who she is as a human being.
Adrienne Rich through her works in literature wants to educate her readers, her works have a lesson. Rich’s poetry is full of emotions and feelings her writings invokes the reader. She does not only deal with the personal issue but also with the political, cultural and social issues. Rich’s write not only for herself but also for all women ’s.She writes honestly, fearlessly and courageously.
Same in the case of this poem “diving into the wreck “ Rich speaks and writes passionately about feminist freedom, her rights, talks about her identity and she conveys these ideas to her readers mind through this poem by using the images of the underwater world which are not seen by many. She creates a mysterious yet exhilarating journey to exploring feminism by taking the reader to a forgotten shipwreck.
The poem “Diving into the wreck” is a poet’s quest for feminist freedom, the quest of her subjectivity and identity and freedom from her past. This quest is something beyond myths, about the truths of men and women, about I and You and He and She, about the powerless and powerful .this is the struggle for women in a male dominant society. Rich identifies many aspects of life including reality, memory, emotions and journeys and in each aspect, the feminist issue is shining upon the speaker with the presence of sunlight.
The “Title” “Diving into the wreck” seems simple and calm, but there are strong currents underneath. On one hand, this title accurately describes what's going on in the poem. This realistic description is important. The title would be a simple description of the subject of the poem. The poet dives into the wreck to find out some information, dive is an effort to re-establish some facts commonly accepted as true or explore or analyze something. Symbolically we can say that wreck is the existence of women throughout the centuries. The wreck is the maltreated and exploited existence of women.
The “subject” of this poem is diving into the wreck to find out hidden truths and treasures. It is a double layered poem on a surface level this poem is about the story of the adventure of diving into the wreck to see the damage that was done and the treasures but on a deeper level, this is the representation of women who are diving into the past.
This poem is a complete metaphorical poem. The metaphor is a literary device, used to relate things. Same as in the case of this poem Rich relates the diving into the wreck to the diving into the past or dive into the culture, the damage that was done with the wreck is related to the damage that was done to the women soul by culture by society. The poem throws light on an issue which is mostly denied, she tries to set the position of women in a male-dominated society. In a “background” poet tries to talk to the man about women feelings, her emotions, her struggles, maltreated her by using her just as a subject for sexual relations, male force sexuality upon them and the damage that was done by society cultural bondage.
Poet used different “themes” in this poem one of them is “Theme of exploration” exploration is the activity that takes place in this poem, poet dives into the ocean to explore hidden truths, treasures and damages. The poem suggests that exploring is not just refer to looking at the ship, there might be emotional, internal exploration going on here.
“Exploration is the engine that drives innovation”.
The “Theme of man and the natural world” This poem describes a journey toward unity with the natural world. At first, the poet feels awkward about being in the ocean, but gradually she evolves into a "mermaid" or "merman," a creature of the sea. This poem is about exploring and changing and feeling, but on a simple level it's a story about how we come into contact with nature
“Being in touch with the natural world is crucial”
The “theme of feminism” Adrienne Rich is a radical feminist with the vision of new world order. Feminism aims at consciousness rising in women. In the words of Mary Daly;
“Women have experienced life only through the patriarchal perspective on the boundaries of patriarchal space.”
In “Diving into the wreck” Rich expresses her opposition to the male stranglehold of the female mental landscape that results ultimately this struggle for empowerment and action, the development of her determination to write directly and openly as a woman out of a woman's body and experience.
“Feminism is not about making women stronger.
Women are already strong.
It's about changing the way the world perceives that strength”
Women are already strong.
It's about changing the way the world perceives that strength”
The “Theme of transformation” in "Diving into the Wreck." The things are changing, First, we watch the poet put on fins, change into a diver. Then we enter the water, a whole new world, with new rules. She has become many people, a man, a woman, a sea creature, a representative of all people who have ever experienced disaster.
The “theme of gender” is the major subject of this poem. Rich used the term androgyny, Rich becomes androgyny and wants to observe the damage that was done to the female race and the treasures that prevail in their rights. Her struggle for the voice of rights is single-handed.
“It is not about gender, it is about experience, leadership, and vision”.
When we “critically analyze” this poem of journey and transformation Rich is tapping the energies and plots of myth, while re-envisioning the content. While there is a hero, a quest, and a buried treasure, the hero is a woman; the quest is a critique of old myths; the treasure is knowledge: the whole buried knowledge of the personal and cultural foundering of the relations between the sexes, and a self-knowledge that can be won only through the act of criticism.
Symbolism is the core of the poem. Apparently, the poet is a diver who is to dive into the wreck to search out the damage and treasures. The sea is the metaphor of the world. The wreck is the wreck of culture, the wreck of society and wreck is a woman. The society where individual recognition of the woman is sacrificed and drowned for the sake of male dominance.
“First having read the book of myths, And loaded the camera…..I put on ……The grave and awkward mask….. I am having to do this…….But here alone”.
The poet read about the traditional standards, she decides to explore the truth herself. Rich has decided to dive deep to extract the real meanings and status of a man-woman relationship.
Rich is not an expert diver but her confidence i.e. the flippers will help her to explore the wreck. Before starting her diving she is fully equipped with tools like a traditional diver but here diving is not traditional. She has read the book of myths (traditional definitions of man-woman relations).
The words MYTHs, CAMERA, KNIFE-BLADE, BODY ARMOUR, FLIPPERS AND MASK, all are metaphorical words which symbolize the hidden meanings. The loading of a camera refers that she prepares herself to dives into the wreck of her life which is destroyed by the lies of others and her own acceptance of these lies. The book of myth symbolizes the detail of traditions that society follows, the flippers symbolically means the source of investigation, the mask is that awkward device that is used to hide the identity which so-called society puts on women face symbolically mask is her ambition. Alone symbolizes the loneliness, shows the condition of women in the past and in the present which is hollow from inside and she alone has to face the social problems their cultures and in their struggles as that Rich have to dive into wreck alone without any support or team.
“Loneliness is the poverty of self”
“There is a ladder …….it is a piece of maritime floss, some sturdy equipment.”
In the 2nd stanza, the poet uses word ladder which symbolically means the process of a gradual change in a women identity, Ladder, in fact, is a source of gradual rise and fall, the planned and understood rise and fall. The natural sources or chances are always present for a person to take courage and set new ambitions. These natural sources can be easily recognized and we all have been used these sources in common circumstances even. But mostly in our problems and confusions we don’t focus on the usage and importance of these sources, if we think they are usable, they are useable otherwise they are nothing. The process of rising and fall is simply available with our campaigns and movements.
“The only safe thing is to take a chance”.
“I go down …..the blue light….I crawl like an insect down the ladder…...to tell me when the ocean, will begin”.
The poet goes step by step deep into the water. I go down shows the quest for I and YOU, HE and SHE. Under the water, she was still under the force of life. From surface to depth she felt the light changes from clear to dark. The poet has tried to penetrate the cultural norms very cautiously yet she has to take care of the past and future. Blue light symbolically means the familiarity. The words like BLUE LIGHT, CLEAR ATOM’S, HUMAN AIR makes us feel that we are diving into the sea with her, OXYGEN here is symbolized for life and survival. All these words actually symbolize the familiar elements that were aiding her in her dive. Like an insect symbolically shows the position of a women gender in the culture of history where they are considered as opposed to human beings as inferior to human beings, treated as a lower creature.
“The truth is not just what you find when you open a door, it itself a door …..”
“The wreck and not the story of the wreck
The thing itself and not the myth…”
She tries to remind us of the purpose of her dive. She has dived into the water to know about the wreck not the story of the wreck that told by other people or written in books of the wreck. She tries to penetrate the history of women to take the first-hand knowledge. She does not want to believe in the myth, the standards maintained and set by society or men themselves. She wants to find out the originality and the role of women themselves in the establishment of their myth.
Here is the time where Rich feels unable to understand her own identity, whether she is a mermaid or merman? She says;
“I am she: I am he…”
She had dived into a wreck as a woman but when she reached near the wreck, she discovered that she had not only become a man but a combination of man and women- Androgyne. She feels that the real women are laying rotten far away in the history deep down the culture. She feels like an androgyne and says that;
“We are the half-destroyed instruments…”
The man and women both are destroyed. both were going on their respective course but both are betrayed. She feels that in the course of time men and women are like a water-eaten log. The culture has eaten some part of them both.
Here the poet says that either we are androgyne or have separate identities, we try to find our way to our past partially for our cowardice to face the challenges of future or courage to rehearse the conditions of past. We have our natural equipment to support our security and liberty. Courage here symbolize the desire to go ahead, the poet is confused here to point out the reason for going back into the past. She is not sure whether she has come to see the wreck for her fear of going ahead or desire of going farther. She says that if we love to rehearse the conditions prevailing in our past, we should be well equipped with modern paraphernalia.
“If you have a problem just see inside, you will found a solution”.
Adrienne Rich dives into wreck but comes out with a knowledge that her name is not in the book of myths. It simply means that she is different from the women living in the past – the women lying as wreck deep down the culture.
In the “view of critics”; Ruth Whitman write about this poem
“I believe that ‘Diving into the Wreck’ is one of the great poems of our time. It is a poem of disaster, with a willingness to look into it deeply and steadily, to learn whatever dreadful information it contains, to accept it, to be part of it, not a victim, but as a survivor.”Cheryl Walker says that;
“In the title poem, "Diving into the Wreck," surely one of the most beautiful poems to come out of the women's movement, the explorer--simultaneously male and female--achieves something close to a mythic density. The figure is passionate but with an isolation and passion transparent to the universal. The poem is utterly personal but there is nothing in it which draws away into private life”.
Adrienne Rich use art in her poem to educate her readers. Rich’s poetry “style” do nothing but stir a wide array of emotions within the readers. “Diving into the Wreck” is a poem of ten stanzas in free verse. The poem is written in the first person. The first-person voice allows the poet to address the reader directly as if recounting her own experience. The tone of the poem appears to be a dreamlike description. We may assume that the poetess possesses a deep impression in her mind of physical moments underwater.
The “imagery” is so perfect that the whole picture gives a wide impression in our mind. The utilization of words like BLUE LIGHT, CLEAR ATOMS, BLACKING OUT, RIBS OF THE DISASTER, SILVER COPPER VERMILE CARGO, all these words give a beautiful description in the poem. We feel that we are not reading the poem but we are watching some picture motion.
The literary device, a “technique” which is mostly used in this poem is a metaphor. Sea is the metaphor of the world and the wreck is the metaphor of culture of women. it is completely a metaphorical poem.
In “conclusion” the poem “DIVING INTO THE WRECK” is a highly symbolized and metaphorical poem. Basically, the poem is the struggle for women rights in the male-dominated society and tries to find the reasons for women suppression. The poet has dived into the water to find out not only the damages but also the treasures or the plus points done to the wreck or to the women of the past. The wreck though dead in apparent meanings yet living much better than most of the actually living but inwardly dead creatures.
In other words, we can say that she is talking about the plight of women in the 20th century where she is so much mentally crippled that she has become a mental androgyne. Her nature is still feminine but her function has become masculine.
“Feminism is not about making women stronger.
Women are already strong.
It's about changing the way the world perceives that strength”
Women are already strong.
It's about changing the way the world perceives that strength”
But it also covers many other aspects of life including sentiments, reality, memory and journeys, but more prominently the feminist approach. It reflects the descriptive power which is evident by the imagery, the symbolism and the technique utilized extensively in the poem. Thus we may say that the poem is a reflection of the poetess’s approach, her descriptive and her capabilities . all these qualities make the poem highly appreciable.
“Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth"
Friday, September 14, 2018
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Francis Bacon Essay "Of parents and children "
Of parents and children
The first master of the essay form in English, Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was confident that of all his works in "The Essay’s are; Counsels, Civil and Moral(1625) would "last as long as books last." One of the best-known essays from that enduring collection is “of Parents and Children”
Essay ”Of Parents and Children” written by Francis Bacon, a famous English philosopher and
scientist whose aphorism (terse sentences) Scientia potentia est (knowledge is power ) is known to everyone in the world,
represents a lot of interesting philosophical ideas. These ideas can be easily related to the present day principles and concepts. The philosophy of Francis Bacon is concluded in the fact that the major goal of scientific knowledge lies in providing benefit to the humanity. (Anderson, 1992, p.124)
My goal in this essay in to give a critical analysis of Francis Bacon’s philosophical work Of
Parents and Children.
Francis Bacon in his essay “of parents and children “shows the relationship of parents with their children, their responsibilities and the advantages and disadvantages of having children.
Bacon says that;
The joys, sorrow and the fears of the parents with regard to their children are personal
and private, not to be shared with others.
· Pros and Cons of having Children(advantages and disadvantages);
Bacon states that;
“children sweeten labor, but they make misfortune more bitter”.
Children make it easy to bear hard work because the parent's labor will benefit the
children. But they find it harder to bear misfortunes because of the thought that these misfortunes will affect the children's well-being.
Anxiety is increased by children but this is compensated by the thought that their memories will be perpetuated(to preserve from extinction) through their children and this makes the thought of death easier to bear.
Every species perpetuates its elder through reproduction, but it is a man alone who possesses the intellectual achievements and memory.
Childless men do more noble deeds than those who have children. Such men have no image of themselves to leave behind, thus they seek to express and perpetuate themselves through their noble deeds which benefit mankind.
· Parents responsibilities:
Bacon states that;
“Parents who wish to train up their children in the way they should go must go in the way in which they would have their children go.”
In the above statement, bacon talks about the responsibilities of parents, concerning the upbringing of children.
Children are deep observers, they also learn from actions not only from words. parents must love their children in a responsible manner and provide for their healthy growth.
They must inspire their children by their own “exemplary life” and must never neglect to correct their faults.
PARENTS must provide for the material and spiritual welfare of their children. A parent is their child’s first teacher and should remain their best teacher throughout life. It is a responsibility of parent’s to preach their child moral values as they would become a good person in their future and works for the benefit of humanity.
“Parents are the ultimate role models for children.”
· Faults of parents towards their child;
The great philosopher and keen observer of human nature, the Francis bacon tries to show parents their faults towards the children rights.
Ø Unequal favoritism: Parents, often discriminate in their love for their children this is not desirable.
In a large family, the eldest child gets some attention and the youngest is often spoilt.
The ones in the middle are ignored but often prove themselves to be the best of the lot.
Ø Illiberality: Parents should not be miserly in giving their children pocket allowance. This is harmful as it will lead them into crooked and dishonest ways and open to overindulgence if they come into plenty in later life. Authority should be exercised but there should be liberality in pocket allowance.
Ø Encourage a spirit of rivalry: Another bad practice is to encourage a spirit of competition among children.
This develops into disharmony in the family when they are older.
“Every word, movement and action has an effect on child. No other person or outside force has a greater influence on a child than the parent.”
· Nephews and own Children;
Here writer shows the intentions of parents towards the children of their near relations.
The Italians make no distinction between their own children and those of near relations.
This is justified because a nephew sometimes bears a greater resemblance to a person
then his own child.
· Profession for a Child;
Parents should choose a suitable profession for their child.
The choice should be made early when the child is yet pliable(easily influenced).
“One of the greatest gifts a parent can give a child is to help them find their talent”
Any initial aversion(a strong feeling of dislike) felt by a child for the profession will be overcome by custom(A habitual practice).
If, however, the child's inclination is markedly opposed to the
profession of parental choice, then he may be allowed to make his own choice.
“The Passion of a child should be important to parents”
Younger brothers generally come to good as they have a strong incentive(encouragement for action) to hard work.
This incentive is withdrawn if the elder brother is disinherited and the younger child hopes to be the beneficiary of a lot of wealth.
Critical Remarks
This essay belongs to the category in which Bacon views man in relation to the world and society. Bacon has an ability to say so much, with great depth, in so few words. The subject of this essay is of the common and widespread interest.
This essay contains some indisputably sound advice regarding the bringing up of children.
This speaks for the keen insight Bacon possessed.No doubt he was the wisest man having shrewd intellect.
Though the subject could easily involve sentimentality, Bacon considers it in the clear light of unsentimentality. He prepares, as usual, a balance-sheet of advantages and disadvantages which are a lot of parents.
Apparently, Bacon did not consider people with children an asset to society, as he says;
“He that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune”.
Monday, September 10, 2018
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Critical appreciation of "Melodic Trains" by JOHN ASHBURY
Life is a perpetual journey into the unconscious regions of the human mind, which brings up a new perspective each time an activity is stirred. The poem shows the poet sitting on a train heading towards a destination. He is not alone. There is a little girl who attracts his attention but only for a short time because later the people and scenes in and around the train capture his imagination. He feels in relation to every thing around him.
According to Ashbery, ‘Life is in motion’. We spend our time in trains, boats and buses and time is fleeting like these four wheelers. Time is precious and unique. Melodic Trains is a journey of time. We come across various destinations, fall into confusions which have repercussions on our memories. We often reach destinations, not desired by us. Melodic Trains becomes a journey of life, the faces of passengers and what all the time is going in their minds.
The poem is a nice piece of poetry full of thought-provoking ideas. It is a realistic presentation of town life. It is a fine blend of subjective and objective views. It is just a poem but has been presented before us in such cinematic approach before our eyes that we feel a part of the whole train experience physically and spiritually. The poet has taken watch, travel, pipe, taxi, and destinations as the raw material for the production of the poem and conveys the humdrum routine of the town dwellers in many perspectives.
The poem shows melodically sounding related series of thoughts that are developing in your mind. They are called Melodic trains for they have the power to transform the minds of people from some ordinary experience to some particular. The poem is a fine example of stream of consciousness technique.
The poem shows the complexity of thoughts as they pass through a sensitive mind of a poet. A poetic mind has a great capacity for associating this similar and distinct thought. That is why; the poem has more than one layer of meaning. The title itself suggests the thought process growing on within the poet’s mind. The outer journey in her real train is paralleled by a symbolic train of thoughts and melodies, poetic ideas running through the mind.
Vanities expressed through appearances
The first thought or theme present in the poem is the expression of vanities through appearances when the little girl in the stanza asks the poet what time it is:
Asks me what time it is—evidently, that’s a toy wristwatch
She’s wearing, for fun. And it is fun to wear other
Odd things, like this briar pipe and tweed coat
She’s wearing, for fun. And it is fun to wear other
Odd things, like this briar pipe and tweed coat
It is surprising how children satisfy their vanity with toys and fake objects, A little girl with scarlet enameled fingernails
which cannot fulfill their need. The toy watch doesn’t tell the time. It is not only children but adults also do the same and are caught up in vanities and appearances. The poet discovers that the color of his overcoat resembles the color of brown mountains; in fact, the seams of his coat actually look like the white paths running down the slopes of the mountains. His thoughts drifting to his clothes suddenly discover that clothes are like a mask hiding the reality. Just as one cannot find out the reality under the clothes, we cannot find the reality of the appearances. The theme of appearance and reality and the vanities to satisfy one’s self on fake foundations starts right from the beginning. Delight in seemingly beautiful objects without any special unity is what associates the elders with the youngers because psychologically, they are the same. Basic instinct, at all levels, remains the same all over the world regardless of race, age, region or nation. But it is very difficult to understand human psychology only by appearances. As far as the appearances are concerned, we are all children. This is only one of the ideas and feelings that the poet experiences while traveling on the train.
which cannot fulfill their need. The toy watch doesn’t tell the time. It is not only children but adults also do the same and are caught up in vanities and appearances. The poet discovers that the color of his overcoat resembles the color of brown mountains; in fact, the seams of his coat actually look like the white paths running down the slopes of the mountains. His thoughts drifting to his clothes suddenly discover that clothes are like a mask hiding the reality. Just as one cannot find out the reality under the clothes, we cannot find the reality of the appearances. The theme of appearance and reality and the vanities to satisfy one’s self on fake foundations starts right from the beginning. Delight in seemingly beautiful objects without any special unity is what associates the elders with the youngers because psychologically, they are the same. Basic instinct, at all levels, remains the same all over the world regardless of race, age, region or nation. But it is very difficult to understand human psychology only by appearances. As far as the appearances are concerned, we are all children. This is only one of the ideas and feelings that the poet experiences while traveling on the train.
The process of meditation and Meaning in Life
Though Melodic Trains is Ashbery’s secondary work, yet it was hailed as ‘Marvelous’ by David Bromwich and ‘great’ by Hollander. The poem is highly personal and in the words of Huybernsz, ‘throws the reader out of the poem’. According to one critic, the poem suggests ‘the premise of this marvelous poem is a journey around New York City.’ The opening metaphor is that of music which sets the poet in meditation and finds meanings in life. The main purpose in life seems, how to live and what to do?
This process of meditation begins when a little girl asks the poet time. The poet is attracted towards the jagged peaks of the mountains by the seams of his coat and later caught up in the humdrum of everyday life. Rather than a meaning, the poet finds confusion, crowds, and tensions everywhere. A sense of entrapment encapsulates us, we find surrounded by troubles all around us and find no way out. The Pisa figures ultimately end this process of mediation and life seems a perpetual struggle against the odds of society. We keep oscillating between the complex beginning and peaceful end and sometimes, peaceful begging and complex and disturbing end.
Symbolic Elements – Melodic Trains as the drama of life
Only the wait in stations is vague and Dimensionless, like oneself. How do they decide how much Time to spend on each? One being to suspect there’s no
Rule or that it’s applied haphazardly.
Rule or that it’s applied haphazardly.
Next, the train takes turns like a pencil and the poet experiences that life too is like a train full of complexity and running to its destination – death. As in an ordinary journey, the train stops at various stations for brief moments. We also pause at some state of life before turning into a new direction. The faces of the passengers standing outside the platforms of different stations melt into the faces of those million faces, the poet reads different expressions. Some carry on eternal sadness. Some reflect disillusionment with life and its receptive appearance; some show anxiety about the future. There are questions in every mind. Will the taxi be available; will someone come to welcome me? These and many others perplex the mind of travelers. As the following lines show:
The sadness on the faces of children on the platform,
The concern of the grownups for connections, for the chances
Of getting a taxi, since these have no timetable.
You get one if you can find one though in principle
The concern of the grownups for connections, for the chances
Of getting a taxi, since these have no timetable.
You get one if you can find one though in principle
These questions asked in ordinary life reflect those questions in the next world. The poet contemplates some spiritual and metaphysical issues at this point. The complexities of the world symbolize those of the hereafter and regarding the future of man in the next world. The is a haphazard dimension in life which disturbs all routines and the same is to be found on the Day the Judgment when this haphazardness blends into a unique Death which rampages everything on the earth.
One of these issues is the role of chance in the course of life. Although the chance is just a segment of the total certainty, chance governs a large part of our existence. The total existence of human activity is controlled by chance, which may be termed as Fate.
Chance, fate, stages of journey and chorus let us enter into the drama of life which is more visible in the following remarkable lines:
It’s as though a visible chorus called up the different
Stages of the journey, singing about them and bring them
Stages of the journey, singing about them and bring them
The train journey becomes a semblance to the drama in real life. As the play has acts and chorus as the character, so is the situation here. Every man and woman along with their family members act as chorus throughout all the stages of their life – tragic or comic may be.
Oneness and Identification
The platform or waiting to board the train are my brothers
In a way that really wants to tell me whey, there is so little Panic and disorder in the world, and so much unhappiness. If I were to get down now to stretch, take a few steps
In a way that really wants to tell me whey, there is so little Panic and disorder in the world, and so much unhappiness. If I were to get down now to stretch, take a few steps
Realizing the basic anxieties of the heart, the poet feels complete oneness and identification with the fellow travelers. Since this journey symbolizes life. It is a moment of human unity which the poet experiences. He wonders whether complete communication between the individual and community is possible. The journey of the train is taken lightly by the little girl and the likes, but for the poet is a serious activity, perhaps a moment of contemplation(guilt) which he identifies himself with the fellow travelers who also share the same problems and who are also human beings like himself. They are like brothers, as the poet calls them and require our perfect sympathy and attention. And we need to convince each other because if there are little panic and disorder, why are we creating for ourselves. Sometimes, it is our attitude that makes us tense rather than the tension itself. The gap that exists between one man and the other in the modern period can be only bridged if communication barriers, such as alienation, estrangement and personal entrapment are removed.
The symbolic journey of the train ends when the poet receives a warm welcome and as the journey of the train stops, the melodic trains of his mind also stop as depicted in the following lines:
Of good fortune and colossal welcomes from the mayor and Citizens’ committees tossing their hats into the air
Style, Imagery, and Technique
The poet employs a traditional image of a train journey to denote life and its non-stop voyage. There are also associated images such as station, marking a temporary stopover and passengers representing fellow human beings. The images of toy and enameled nails signify the theme of false appearances and deceptions. This idea is further enhanced by the Big White Apples or the fumes of the train covering up the plat farm. The poem is a good example of stream of consciousness technique the poem’s start immediately by the little girl’s question about time began to express might issues like mortality, chance and time.
The poem is perfectly a representative of modern American Sensibility. The striking images of tweed coat and its seams and the enameled nails of the little girl are such powerful images that they transpose us to the very place in whose imagination, the poem was written. The natural imagery of date-palm trees and the alps lend freshness to the poem in contrast to the artificial imagery of tweed coat and enameled nails. (artificial imagery) The image of Pisa Tower is a true reflective of the modern man’s psychological complexities. Melodic trains, in terms of images, techniques, symbols, and style is a modern piece of poetry.
Melodic Trains is a fine piece of poetry in which the poet addresses a number of issues, political, social, familial and psychological. It is a journey of life and the end of the journey ends in optimism and happiness on the typical note of ‘Welcome Home!’ Even then the complexities of life surround us because home introduces new problems for us, the end of the poem is only a temporary happy moment of life.
The poem imparts a deep philosophy of life. Life is full of restlessness, tensions, and discontentment, but it is also true that most of the problems in life are caused by the insane attitude of modern man.
Clouds of anxiety, of sad, regretful impatience
With ourselves, our lives, the way we have been dealing
With other people up until now. Why couldn’t
We have been more considerate?
With ourselves, our lives, the way we have been dealing
With other people up until now. Why couldn’t
We have been more considerate?
Clouds of anxiety are scattered everywhere, at each stop. During these anxious moments, we create more trouble for other people and forget that there are also humans like us and demand our full sympathy and respect. The poet raises the issue of sympathy and its importance in everyday life. Haste and race have spread panic and disorder in our mechanical life. The hurry to reach home makes life only complex rather than solve any practical issue.
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